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                        - Editorial (so to speak...)

Τρίτη 28 Μαρτίου 2017

2-speed-EU... and where are we? (Hey...Mr. MP! I hate it when I have to tell you ... "Told you, so!")

We should not forget,
that some of us...
we were aware that:
- the difficulties would have been the same or more, and ...
we knew that:
- all and all additional real benefit of our "option" was that it would be us, the people of our country, those who would retain the right to choose the harsh policies and measures to be applied, first of all upon ourselves and we would be responsible and accountable towards future generations, still protecting them from "a heavy slavery"...
... cause it was some of us...
four years ago - or even from the beginning of the crisis - who insisted on the need to avoid the country's engagement with such heavy long-term commitments, even including terms of loss of idependence and of our right to determine our national strategy and national policy ... - Notably, none of us denied the realistic need of adaptation of radical reforms!

Those, who today seek to be our future government, were, at that time, at the "opposite" waving over our heads all kinds of threats - and even wellcoming external, extra-institutional and dirty interference (remember Schaeuble in our double elections 2012) with one core-message, summarized in one threatening sentence towards the eldest and those most in need:
- "You will not be able to get your pension, the finacial assistance, the help of any kind, neigther your medications starting from next month and on, if you do not give in!"
but this was half the "sentence" of much extended one (from which was cut off and hidden ... the most serious part), and the whole sentence was:
- "You will not be able to get your pension, the finacial assistance, the help of any kind, neigther your medications starting from next month and on, if you do not give in, bond and undermine the lives of the youngsters - your grandchildren - for the next, at least 50 years! And in order to live what is left of your miserable - as defined by the agreements - lives, the remaining 5, 10, 20 years ... you must oblige your grandchildren either to become slaves without lives and without a future for all their productive - wearth living - period of life, or to become immigrants (...those lucky who can)!"

Those, who today seek to be our future government, were, at that time, at the "opposite", but even the others did not stand up to the challenge and confrontation and feared the burden of responsibility to "break" the chains of earlier agreements that undermined the future ... Were they really so naive to believe that they could bring "velvet" solutions?

However, the majority of Greek people, they showed that they were aware and did not expect a "velvet" solution, and were determined to support even the toughest sacrifices since they would aim at a real conclusion! This is the only true interpretation of the result of the powerful - and then... disarmed - 62% in the referendum ... nomatter how unclear the question was... The people were determined to support the "hard" and "painful" choice regardless of the clarity of the question...

And those things, that four years ago seemed hard and difficult, today, are superseded by an even more hard and difficult reality, in which we experience the same cost but with no hope and no view of benefit of any kind and there is absolutely no comfort for anyone of us who proved to be right in our judgements - four years ago or even at the beginning of the crisis!

We are at that period where...
"No one is right", where...
"No right exists" where...
"The term "right" has lost its meaning and importance"...

We are at that moment, that our only hope can be nothing but a cruel and extremely painful solution, supported by a unified scheme of all major political forces of the country forming a common front with one, single, strategy and a clear agreement with the people - with whom they are now in breakage - and to whom they owe, for once, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, about the sufferings that are to come as part of any kind of a solution.

So, simply put ...
  • in a Europe separated into two speeds - and this as a preliminary stage of dissolvation or full mutation - and wherein we have no place in the first speed...
  • in a Europe that will shrink due to centrifugal tendencies...
  • in a Europe that will go into recession and new economic crisis and social crisis and cohesion even in the interior of the countries, given that is now targeted as an economy by the US, Russia and China and targeted socially, culturally and religiously by the fundamentalists of the Muslim arc...
  • in a Europe that will soon be forsed to close borders, to "crop" freedoms at the individual level (which were intentionaly overestimated to be used as "smokescreen" to hide the loss of democratic freedoms of people and countries-members and the lack of democratic institutions within the union)...

... in such a - washed-up (?) - Europe, from which we are - now - less than ever ready to withdraw, on a national basis:

We should bring together all major political forces of our country in order to determine, in what strategic plan:

  • we will monitor the developments,
  • we will strengthen our position for as long as we remain in the EU structures, and
  • we will prepare to survive as a country - and possibly win a better position in the upheavals that will occur in the future - either in the case of dissolution of Europe, or in the case of EU's rescue and under all circumstances and every form EU may end up to maintain.

Everything else is within the range of a ridiculous ostrich behaviour and consitute meaningless juxtapositions of our idl politicians!


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